Accuserve’s Protocol for Performing a Re-Inspection on a Water Loss

Accuserve’s Protocol for Performing a Re-Inspection on a Water Loss

Meet Ed
Instructor Ed Jones has over 30 years of experience in theindustry, has the title of MasterWater Restorer, is an Institute ofInspection Cleaning andRestoration Certification (IICRC)-approved instructor, and hasserved on the S500-2021consensus body committee todevelop the most recent standard.
In some cases, Accuserve will require a second restorer go out to the loss location to inspect for wet materials and mold. If possible, when there are allegations of improper drying or mold, we first try to allow the original restorer to inspect and document evidence of proper or incomplete drying or visible mold. In some cases, this is not possible, so Accuserve will ask a second, unbiased, certified restorer to perform a re-inspection of the affected areas and work performed by the initial restorer. Please follow the guide below when conducting this re-inspection.
- Inspector must have proper credentials, e.g., IICRC WRT, IICRC ASD certifications for water damage and AMRT certification for mold issues. *if certifications not current, please discuss with Accuserve representative.
- Utilize proper diagnostic tools, e.g., penetrating moisture meter, non-penetrating moisture meter, thermohygrometer, and digital camera (cell phone camera ok). Possibly might need the following depending on the circumstances – boroscope, ATP meter, manometer, air particulate counter, IR camera.
- It is critical that the inspector look and act professional at all times, e.g., clean, logoed vehicle, uniform, photo ID badge and shoe protectors while performing the inspection. Be able to calm a potentially upset occupant and conduct a thorough and professional inspection with good photographic documentation. Stay non-committal if insured makes derogatory comments about previous restorer or Accuserve. Do NOT offer coverage or mold/asbestos/lead paint advice! Do NOT try to answer all their questions if you are not sure of Accuserve’s position on a particular topic. Immediately, alert Accuserve to any special circumstances, questions from insured or any potential health or safety concerns.
- Accuserve will provide you with a list of specific allegations and affected areas to inspect, as well as any relevant reports.
- Make sure Accuserve and the insured are both aware of the appointment time of the inspection.
- Track your time and keep a journal of your inspection, including photos of outside of the risk, origin of loss, affected rooms, any and all moisture readings showing materials wet or dry (penetrating moisture is preferred for accuracy), visible mold and a description of how much and where located, psychrometric readings, any potential other sources of water intrusion or pre-existing damages, any damages allegedly caused by original restorer, and any evidence of potential cross-contamination. *Important we have photos of all penetrating moisture meter readings and a description of the location where reading taken. Also, need photos of any visible mold, how much and where located. Thermal images are great, but not required in most cases.
- Please provide photos of psychrometric readings of outside, affected areas, unaffected areas, and HVAC, if appropriate. Drying logs with a sketch/moisture map are required.
- If you run across something that needs to be discussed immediately, please call Accuserve and ask for the file handler or supervisor and a video call can be arranged, if necessary. Please have the Accuserve Control # ready.
- Submit all documentation within 24 hours of the inspection, along with your invoice for the inspection and possibly estimate, if requested, for water mitigation or mold remediation.
- Once documentation is received by Accuserve, we will arrange a conference call to debrief and to discuss your professional recommendations.